

I wasn't sure whether to bother doing a post this evening, as tea was the simple pancake. But as this is a diary of sorts of what we eat I thought I may as well. I guess every one has their own favourite pancake recipe. I have always used the basic pancakes from Delia's "Complete Illustrated Cookery Course". I looked for some exciting fillings and then decided why try and glorify something that is just lovely as it is. I doubled the recipe below for four of us, which was more than enough.

110g plain flour
a pinch of salt
2 large eggs
200ml milk, mixed together with 75ml of water
2 tbsp melted butter
a little extra butter for cooking the pancakes

Sieve the flour and salt into a large mixing bowl. Then make a well in the centre and break the eggs into it. Start to whisk the eggs, incorporating the flour from around the edges as you do so. Start to add small quantities of the milk and water mixture. Continue to mix until you have a smooth batter.
When you are ready to cook the pancakes, add 2 tablespoons of melted butter to the batter and stir it in. Melt a teaspoon of butter in a pan and coat the whole pan. Tip out the excess butter. Get the pan really hot and do a test pancake. 2 tablespoons is about the right amount. It should take about half a minute to cook, you can lift the edge with a knife to see if it's cooked. Flip onto the other side and cook until tinged gold. Add your favourite topping. Nutella and banana went down well tonight.

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