
Packing Healthy Lunches to GO!

I've already written about packing healthy school lunches for children here. But what about you, the adult? If you are working full time or going to school, you might want some ideas on simple ways to create a nourishing lunch. Of course, taking leftovers is always an option, but what about something new?

Let's face it, if we really want to continue moving forward as a culture and as a global community, we all need to take responsibility for what we consume. Every time we eat we vote with our fork for the kind of world we want to live in. Eating is something we partake in at least three times a day. If we are rushed and decide to go out for lunch, even to a seemingly "healthy" place, we are probably unknowingly consuming genetically engineered ingredients, foods grown with pesticides and herbicides, or ingredients that are far too processed for the human body to thrive off of. It's unfortunate that the world we live in right now isn't set up for the health and well-being of the people and the planet, but we can change that....we are changing it! One big step is to buy organic ingredients and prepare your own meals.

By taking a few moments out of your day on the weekend you can easily prepare a week's worth of lunches for yourself all ready to go. I like to use glass mason jars because they are easy to store in the refrigerator and transport well. After preparation, make sure to cover them tightly with a lid and store in your refrigerator for no more than 5 days, though I prefer to make enough for 3 or 4 days at a time. Below are some of my favorite combinations! It is best to wait to add the dressing until the day you plan on consuming your salad. If you have any lettuce in the salad then it is best to wait to dress it just before serving.
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