
Sweet Corn Bread Rolls with Chicken Creamed Corn Soup

Mine. Mine. Mine...

Are the birds from Finding Nemo at my place? No. It is my son who is grabbing all these sweet corn rolls and put them all on his dinner plate. - LOL!

When I first saw these sweet corn bread rolls at Esther's Copycake kitchen, I knew that we are going to love these bread rolls and of course, we do... These sweet-smelling bread rolls are very soft inside and also outside. The combination of brown sugar, milk and butter is making these rolls and our house smelling extremely good. Taste-wise, the sweet rolls are even sweeter with lots of sweet corn kernels embedded inside.

Instead of the mixing all ingredients into one bread dough, this bread recipe requires two steps of mixing. First, it makes an initial dough which is highly enriched in egg and milk. After proving into double of its size, the initial dough is then torn into pieces and kneaded again with brown sugar, more flour, water and butter until smooth and elastic.

My son and I was having lots of fun shaping these bread rolls and extra-happy enjoying these delicious breads with bowls and bowls of warm and comforting chicken creamed corn soup.

Scroll down and you will see how easy these rolls and soup are made...

easy chicken creamed corn soup
Our simple and warming dinner: Sweet corn bread rolls with chicken creamed corn soup
The initial dough torn into pieces and ready to be knead with our ingredients 
My son is happy shaping these bread rolls.
One of the rolls shaped by my son - Not bad huh?
These rolls were shaped by me but one has a slightly cracked surface. Ops!
The three main ingredients to make this soup...
... mix them up in any proportional you like.  Cook all + chicken in a saucepan... Ta Dah!
fluffy sweet corn bread rolls
A bowl of soup + this soft and fluffy roll = ?
Thumb up, of course!
Here are the recipes.

Sweet Corn Bread Rolls mostly adapted from Copycake Kitchen
(rounding up and down all Esther's magic numbers - LOL!)


200g bread flour
1 tsp instant yeast
20g milk powder
50g egg (1 small 60g egg + 1 1/2 tbsp water)
70ml milk

65g bread flour
55g brown sugar
4g salt
30ml water
40g butter, softened

Fillings - corn kernels (about 1/2 of 420g can)


Mix all ingredients (A) together and knead well to form a smooth dough.
Cover with cling wrap damp cloth and leave to prove until double size.
(I have kneaded (30 mins) and proved my dough for 1 hr using a bread-maker)

Take out dough and tear into small pieces. Add ingredient (B) and knead until the dough is smooth and elastic. Rest for 30 mins. (I have kneaded (30 mins) and proved my dough again for 30 mins using a bread-maker)

Divide dough into 8 portions and shape it into balls. Divide each portion again into two and roll out both dough into long rectangle shape. Spread about 1-2 tsp of corn kernels on top of one and place another dough on top of each other. Top dough sandwich roll with extra corn kernel and roll it tightly like swiss roll.

Arrange the dough into baking tray.

Leave to prove for 50 mins.

Preheat oven at 170°C or 160°C fan forced. Brush doughs with milk and bake for 15 mins or till golden brown.

Chicken Creamed Corn Soup mostly adapted from Taste.com

Serve 3-4
500ml chicken stock
1/2 x 420g can corn kernels
1 x 420g can creamed corn
1/4 store-bought roast chicken, skin and bones removed and shredded
chives, to garnish

Place the chicken stock in a large saucepan with corn kernels and creamed corn. (in any proportion that you like and I find that this ratio is working well for our preference)

Cook over medium heat and simmer for 5 mins.

Add shredded chicken and bring it to boil for 1-2 mins.

Serve with chives and also soft corn bread rolls.

Happy Baking and Cooking
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