
Cranberry-Oatmeal-Walnut Muffi-Cakes (THB)

These cranberry-oatmeal muffin-like cakes are extremely super-easy to bake. All we did was to mix everything and bake... so easy that even my 4-year old son can do this and that's why he did the most mixing for this bake! - LOL!

This recipe is chosen by our baking friend, Kit from I-Lost in Austen being our 26th The Home Bakers (THB) bake. THB is an baking event organised by my friend, Joyce from Kitchen Flavours. With a group of gorgeous ladies, we are baking all recipes from the book, "Coffee Cakes" by Lou Seibert Pappas until every recipe from this book has been baked.

Instead of baking this cake into one large rectangle cake, I have baked these cakes in muffin cups which is also suggested by Lou, the author of this book. By doing this, it really make these cakes look more like muffins rather than cakes. Besides their looks, these cakes taste like muffins too... but why are these muffins named as cakes? This is so confusing. Life is confusing anyway.... So why bother? Just bake and enjoy these moist and healthy muffi-cakes! - LOL!

After baking these, I like to emphasize the fact that these cranberry-oatmeal muffi-cakes are indeed the HEALTHFUL kind! I didn't reduce the amount of added sugar and added extra frozen cranberries... And, yes that these muffi-cakes are NOT SWEET at all!!! Please DO NOT reduce the original sugar content of these cakes! If you do so, you will be eating tasteless doughy muffi-cakes!!! - LOL!

Having said that, we are finding these muffi-cakes too bland for us...

Out of 12 that I have baked:

  • Boy ate half.
  • Mum ate one and a half (half is the other half from the boy)
  • Man ate two because he tried not to waste food
  • Mr Bin ate the rest! - Ops!
Healthful Cranberry-Oatmeal Muffi-Cakes
These are the key ingredients of these muffi-cakes. Note that the walnuts are replaced by walnut oil...
Lining the muffin pan
Mix mix mix...
Stir stir stir...
Bake bake bake...
Photo photo photo...
Eat eat eat... Moist but "too healthful" for us!

Being the rule of this event, only the host of the chosen bake can post the recipe in her blog post. Please visit Kit from I-Lost in Austen for the detailed recipe of this bake.

And, here are the notes and modifications that I made for my bake.

My ingredients list (which is 1/2 amount of the recipe):
75g old fashioned rolled oats, pre-roasted
at 160°C fan forced for 10 min 
1 large egg
45g dark brown sugar
1/4 cup walnut oil (the original recipe uses canola oil)
3/4 cup buttermilk
2 tbsp dark molasses, blackstrap
1/2 tsp vanilla extract
75g all purpose flour
75g whole wheat flour
1 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp salt
1 tsp ground cinnamon
1 1/2 cup frozen cranberries

Modifications that I have made from the original:

  • Instead of using the full amount of the recipe, I have used 1/2 amount to bake these muffi-cakes.
  • Instead of baking cake in rectangle or square baking pan (9 x13 inch for full amount), I have baked 12 of these cakes using standard-size muffin cups. The recipe suggests that the full amount can make 12 large muffins but I made 12 muffins using only half the amount!
  • Instead of using baking soda, I have replaced it with extra baking powder.
  • Instead of adding walnuts as topping, I have replaced the nuts with extra cranberries and used walnut oil instead of canola oil. 
  • The muffi-cakes were baked at 160°C fan forced for 30 min.
  • These muffi-cakes are not sweet at all. A light drizzle of honey or maple syrup will be good.
Happy Baking

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