
Soy Sweet Potato Bread

I never thought that soy milk can produce delicious bread... Can it?

As much as I would like to be a vegan, I find it extremely difficult to give my love of milk and cheese. Although I like to use milk and butter for all my baking, I'm actually a more "tofu" type of person and like the idea of exploring recipes that use soy milk for baking.

Honestly, not all cakes and breads made with soya milk that I have tried are good (even one soy bread recipe using Tang Zhong method) but this is the one that I would highly recommended...

Soy Sweet Potato Knot Rolls
Soy Sweet Potato Loaf
Both soy sweet potato knot rolls and loaf are made with the same bread recipe.
I have tried one recipe that used both olive oil and Tang Zhong made with soy milk...
This Tangzhong bread has an interesting taste but texture-wise, it is not fluffy at all... FAILED!
In contrast, the breads made with these ingredients are great!
This is my son, happy torturing these sweet potatoes!
The tortured sweet potatoes were made into bread doughs.
Shaping the bread loaf
The knotted rolls are shaped according to my baking friend, Jessie's instructions at this post.
Ready to bake...
Happy to see these beautiful bread rolls...
... and this puffy loaf!
I'm a little disappointed with these not-perfect swirls...
... but impressed with its fluffiness!
Moist and fluffy bread! Thumbs up, of course!
Here is the recipe adapted and translated from the book, Original Flavour by Carol Hu (in Chinese language)

Makes 1 x 20 cm x 10 cm loaf and 4 knot rolls

150g golden sweet potato, steamed and mashed

150g white sweet potato, steamed and mashed 
2 x 280g bread flour
2 x 1 tsp instant dried yeast
2 x 15g caster sugar
2 x 1/4 tsp salt
2 x 15g rice bran oil or any vegetable oil
2 x 150ml soy milk

Using a bread maker, mix white sweet potato and one set of ingredients together and knead into a smooth dough. Repeat with golden sweet potato and the other set of ingredients and allow both dough to prove for 1-2 hr.

Divide each dough into 4 portions. 

To shape dough into a loaf:

Roll 3 of each portion into rectangles (with approximately 10cm width). Stack one white rectangle on one golden rectangle and roll them up like a Swiss roll. Repeat to yield 3 Swiss roll doughs in total and place them all in 20cm x 10 cm loaf tin.

To shape dough into knot rolls:

Divide the last portion of dough into 4 pieces of dough. Roll out each piece into long ropes. Join the ends of one golden rope and one white rope together. Make 2-3 twist and then twist it to form a circle and tuck in the ends at its bottom.

Allow both loaf and rolls to prove for another 1-2 hrs or until their sizes doubled.

Brush the dough with rice bran oil and bake in preheated oven at 160°C fan forced for 20 mins (knot rolls) and 40 mins (loaf). The loaf was covered with foil at the last 20 mins of baking.

Happy Baking
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