
Tuiles for Spring (Martha Stewart)

I love flowers, colours and Spring!

Unlike everyone else in the northern hemisphere, the down-under we are enjoying longer days and pretty flowers at this time of the year... Feeling strange? Yeah... a little. In regardless, I like to make the best of this season but...

... sad that Melbourne, Australia is actually having a yucky Spring this year! Although, we are only a month more approaching to summer, the past weeks were mostly overcast, rainy, cold and windy... like an extended winter!

Despite the weather, nice that the flowers are blooming. At least, these flowers have brighten our gloomy days with their bright beautiful colours. Like I mentioned in my earlier bake-along post, I like to be inspired by these pretty Spring colours and I have baked this second batch of
flower-like Tuiles, with Joyce from Kitchen Flavours and Lena from Frozen wings for our bake-along.

Despite the weather, nice that my bright and sparkly bling-bling flowery Tuiles have brighten our day!!! The feeling of munching these light and crisp cheerful-looking tuiles is actually pretty good!!!

These are my tuiles for Spring!
Then beat in melted butter...
These tuiles need colours!
I didn't have a stencil or template to do this and all I did is piping out an outline roughly.
More Spring colours!
Please do not judge me with these... I like pink but I'm not exactly a pink person!  - LOL!

Draping cookies on a rolling pin
Apart from their looks, these cookies are delicious and crispy!

Like I mentioned in my previous post, timing is critical for tuiles baking including these...

If these cookies are not under-baked or over-baked, they can form nicely-curved cookies with a nice snap when you eat them!

Here's the recipe from Martha Stewart
(with my notes and modification in blue)

Makes sixteen 4 1/4-inch cookies 

(the number of cookies yield depends on the sizes of cookies made)

1 large egg white
1/4 cup superfine sugar
1/4 cup all-purpose flour, sifted
Pinch of salt
4 tsp unsalted butter, melted

(please note it is tsp, not tbsp!)
2 tsp heavy cream

(replaced by 2 tsp melted butter)
replaced with melted butter
1/4 tsp pure almond extract 

(replaced with natural food colouring)

hundred and thousands and food sparkle to decorate

Preheat oven to 350°F (or 160°C fan forced). Line a rimmed baking sheet with a Silpat baking mat. 

In the bowl of an electric mixer, whisk egg white and sugar on medium speed until combined, about 30 secs. Reduce speed to low; add flour and salt. Beat to combine. Beat in butter, cream (I didn't add this) and extract (or colouring), about 30 secs. - I didn't use an electric mixer and whisk everything by hand.

Place a leaf stencil in corner of prepared baking sheet. Using a small offset spatula, spread batter in a thin layer over stencil. Carefully lift stencil. Repeat, filling baking sheet with leaves. 
Instead of using a stencil, I have piped outlines of my flowers and leaves with Wilton round tip no. 7 and use a toothpick to spread the batter inside the outlines. I have also sprinkled some hundred and thousands to decorate the flowers before baking. Please note too that the larger tuiles are easier to curve than the smaller ones.

Bake until tuiles are golden, 6 to 8 mins. Using a small offset spatula, lift cookies, and quickly drape over a rolling pin to cool.

Repeat process until all batter is used. Store cookies in an airtight container at room temperature up to 2 days or serve immediately with some food sparkle! 

Happy Baking
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