
Oatmeal Butter Flowery Bread Rolls

I can't believe that November is ending soon and the Australian Summer is arriving soon on 1st December...

For my last glimpse of Spring, I like to bake something Spring-related and this is why I baked these blooming oatmeal butter flowery bread rolls...

These oatmeal butter rolls reminds me a lot of the buttermilk fantails that I have baked more than a year ago but these are the oatmeal-wholemeal-non-buttermilk version. Like what I did for my buttermilk fantails, I have placed these bread dough in small ramekins and enjoy watching these breads blooming like flowers.
oatmeal butter Flower bread rolls
Pretty for Spring! - Oatmeal Flowery Bread Rolls 
Is this the oat version of Tangzhong?
Using bread-maker to knead the bread dough
Rolling and cutting
Therapeutic, isn't it? I feel kind of serene watching this...
After baking... Here are my harvest!
... as pretty as flowers!
Cooling them on rack before serving
"She loves me. She loves me not..." My son enjoyed peeling pieces of these while eating them.
... We love them! - Nice pillowy texture!
Thumb up too from my boy's little gardening gloves! - LOL!

Here is the recipe adapted and translated from the book, Original Flavour by Carol Hu
(in Chinese language)

Make 12

Ingredients to make oat mixture:
50g oats
150ml scalded hot milk

Ingredients to make bread dough:

oat mixture
200g bread flour
50g wholemeal four
2 tsp wheat germ

1 tbsp milk powder
1/2 tsp instant dried yeast
15g raw caster sugar (or any white caster sugar)
1/4 tsp salt
30g olive oil
100 ml water


To roll and shape these rolls, you need:
30g softened butter
15g raw caster sugar
(or any white caster sugar)
Before baking, you need:

2 tbsp milk + 1 tbsp canola oil

extra butter to grease ramekins or muffin pan

To make the oat mixture, pour hot milk into oat and allow the oats to absorb the liquid for 15 mins or more. Allow mixture to cool before using it for making the bread dough.

Using a bread maker with "dough" setting or an electric mixer with a dough hook, mix bread dough ingredients together and knead into a smooth and elastic dough. Allow dough to prove for 1-2 hr or until doubled in size.

Grease 10 small ramekins or a 12-hole muffin pan with butter. Roll dough to a large squarish-rectangle, 30 cm x 40 cm. Spread butter and sprinkle sugar on rolled dough and cut into 48 pieces of 5 cm x 5 cm strips. Layer 4-5 pieces of squares with the sugar side facing upwards on top of each other. Place each stack of 5 squares into each small ramekin or stack of 4 squares into each muffin cup. Allow them to prove for another 1-2 hrs or until puffy-looking.

Brush the dough with milk+oil mixture and bake in preheated oven at 160°C fan forced for 18 mins.

Transfer bread to cool on wire rack before serving.

Happy Baking
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