
Chicken with a Dijon mustard sauce

We left the teenagers home alone last night. It’s something we are doing a little more often, not for long just yet, 2 nights at the most. So far we have been spared of unauthorised house parties, and any major mess and damage on return. Let's hope I'm not talking too soon. The temptation when away is to eat out,  but we had been out for a lovely meal the night before and didn’t really want to eat out two nights in a row. My intentions of losing weight by Christmas are becoming more unlikely by the day. A trip to the local Co op and a recipe in mind produced this really tasty, simple recipe. It’s a variation on a meal on the Delicious website. I didn’t really measure the ingredients, so the volume of stock on my recipe is a guess but you would be able to work out the volume of sauce you need by looking.  I cooked some new potaotes on the hob, finishing them off in the oven alongside the chicken just to give them a golden crunchiness. The meal was delicious and it’s one I’ll be cooking again soon. 
Hopefully over the festive period I'll get a chance to try some new recipes. I feel this year has been my weakest on my blog, with recipes few and far between. My sister in law and I have just bought ourselves Nigel Slater's 'Christmas Chronicles' as an early Christmas present to each other. Hopefully it will provide some inspiration for meals over the coming month, if nothing else he is a great writer. I do enjoy this time of year in the kitchen. It's a chance to be a bit more extravagant than usual, create a lovely Christmassy home and welcome friends and family to share the good food and wine.

Serves 4
1 tbsp olive oil for frying
4 chicken breasts
2 tablespoons of flour with seasoning 
A punnet of mushrooms, sliced 
1 onion sliced 
1 clove garlic' chopped 
A glug of white wine
300ml of stock
1 tablespoon of Dijon mustard 
A dollop of double cream 
Salt and black pepper

Heat the oven to 180c. 
Hear the oil in a frying pan, whilst coating the chicken breasts in the seasoned flour.
Fry the chicken breasts until nicely browned. 
Add the onion and cook until golden. Add the mushrooms and garlic and fry until cooked through. 
Pour in the wine and let it sizzle away.
Mix together the stock,  mustard and cream and pour into the pan mixing everything together. 
Transfer the mixture to an ovenproof roasting dish and cook in the oven until the chicken is cooked through for approximately 25 mins. 
The sauce should be bubbling away with a lovely rich dark colour 

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