
Nestum Cereal Floss Mayonnaise Chiffon Swiss Roll (The Fluffier Recipe) HIGHLY RECOMMENDED

I know my son.

... especially the food that he likes.

I know that he loves the Pork Floss Mayonnaise Chiffon Swiss Roll at here and the Nestum Cereal Floss Bread Buns at here. And so, I've created a fusion bake of both.

"Can I have three slices of this?" asked my son. He was excited when he saw the cake.

"How about me?" asked my husband. His query was immediate with a concerning tone.

"Daddy, you had your slice already. I'm very hungry. And I need to have more cake." my son was trying to convince my husband to give in. LOL!

Then, it was "mine mine mine..." when I cut the cake into more slices. LOL!!!

I know. My son loves this Nestum Cereal Floss Mayonnaise Chiffon Swiss Roll!!! And I love it too! Do you?

nestum cereal floss mayonnaise chiffon Swiss roll
We love love love this Nestum Cereal Floss Mayonnaise Chiffon Swiss Roll.
Do you?

You might asked...

Why is this Swiss roll base the fluffier recipe?

Throughout my years of baking and blogging, I have recommended three savoury chiffon cake base recipes at here, here and one in the cookbook, Tasted and Approved.

This recipe at here is the fail-proof one because it contains more egg yolks than egg whites resulting the cake base to be thinner, flexible and it won't crack during rolling. Plus, it is easy to remove the lined baking paper at the bottom of the cake. Hence, I always sprinkle sesame seeds and thin slices of spring onions on the lined baking tray, pour the batter, bake the cake and use the base of the cake with the sesame seeds and spring onions to be the outside of the rolled cake. However, this recipe is slightly more troublesome than most chiffon cake recipes as it requires the egg yolk mixture to be whisked over a pot of boiling hot water until pale and slightly thickened. Hmmm... painful!

Unlike the fail-proof, this fluffier recipe at here contains a balanced amount of egg yolks and egg whites from about the same number of eggs. It is fluffier but the removal of the lined baking paper at the bottom of the cake can often peel off some part of its bottom cake skin, causing the bottom side to look patchy and ugly. Due to this reason, I always pour the batter into the lined baking tray first, sprinkle sesame seeds and spring onions on top of the batter, bake the cake and use the top side of the cake with the sesame seeds and spring onions to be the outside of the rolled cake. I would say that the sprinkle of sesame seeds and spring onions on top of the batter can be optional and of course, the cake base will be fluffier and thicker without the sesame seeds and spring onions. Well, this means that the thicker cake will be slightly more challenging to roll as well.

Unlike the fail-proof and fluffier recipes, the third recipe from the book makes the thinnest and softest chiffon cake base of all. It is so soft and tender that I have to serve it as a chiffon cake slice. In another words, I can't use this cake base to roll it into Swiss roll.

Fail-proof vs Fluffier vs Softest? Hmmm...
I can't say which recipe is absolutely better. All are beneficial in their own ways and I don't mind baking all of them.

To get the best of both worlds... Here, I had demonstrated the use of the fluffier recipe to bake this cereal floss chiffon Swiss roll and will demonstrate the use of other recipes to bake different chiffon Swiss rolls in the near future.

Without saying much, here's a quick video showing how I baked this yummy fluffy cottony Swiss roll with crispy, buttery, a little sweet, a little salty, a little nutty, very fragrant milky malty cereal floss. Enjoy!

nestum cereal floss mayonnaise chiffon Swiss roll
This fluffy cereal floss Swiss roll is perfectly yummy!!!
nestum cereal floss mayonnaise chiffon Swiss roll
This recipe is definitely HIGHLY HIGHLY HIGHLY RECOMMENDED!!!

We love love love this Swiss roll but the health-conscious me wonder if I can bake this chiffon cake with reduced amount of sugar. Yes I can but I must say that baking a fluffy chiffon Swiss roll with less sugar is not as straightforward as adding less sugar into the cake batter! 

Want to see how to bake my next cereal floss mayonnaise chiffon Swiss roll with less sugar? Please stay tune...

If you like my recipes and want to get the latest updates from me, you can follow me at either my Facebook at here or here or my Instagram @zoebakeforhappykids

Here's the recipe that is adapted from here.

Make one Swiss roll (unrolled size: 35 x 25 cm / 10 x 14 inches)

For the Swiss roll cake:
60g egg yolks (about 4 large)
50g milk
50g neutral tasting vegetable oil

70g cake flour with 8% protein
10g corn flour
3/4 tsp baking powder
1/8 tsp salt

140g egg whites (about 4 large)
80g caster sugar

2 tbsp finely sliced spring onions
2 tsp white sesame seeds

For the cereal floss filling:
1/2 cup (about 40g) Nestum cereal
10g (1 tbsp) caster sugar
1/4 tsp salt, more to taste
1/4 tsp chili powder, more to taste or omit if you are using spicy floss or prefer your bread to be non-spicy
15g (1 tbsp) unsalted butter
1/2 tsp vegetable oil
about 10 curry leaves, chopped finely
about 1 cup (~ 100g) or more pork or chicken or fish floss, can be spicy or non-spicy

For the mayonnaise cream:
1/3 cup mayonnaise, preferably Japanese kewpie mayonnaise
2 tbsp condensed milk
1 tbsp light corn syrup
1 tbsp lemon juice

To bake the Swiss roll cake:
Preheat oven to 180°C. Line one 35 x 25 cm (10 x 14 inches) baking tray with baking paper. Set aside.

For A:
In a large mixing bowl, add the egg yolks, milk and oil and use a hand whisk to mix until all are combined.

For B:
Combine all in B. Sift mixture B into mixture A and use a hand whisk to mix until well incorporated.

For C:
Using an electric mixer with a whisk attachment, beat egg whites in the lowest speed for at least 5 mins. Increase to the next higher beating speed (not too high). While beating, add sugar gradually. Then, increase to the next higher speed (not too high again!) and continue to beat until stiff peaks form. The meringue should be very smooth with tiny bubbles. Do not over-beat the mixture.

Combine A, B and C:
Using a hand whisk or a spatula, gently fold in the egg whites to the flour mixture in 3-4 portions. Making sure most of the white is not visible after folding.

For D:
Pour batter into baking tray. Use a spatula to spread the batter evenly. Sprinkle batter with spring onions and sesame seeds and bake for 15 mins or until the cake is well risen and fully cooked.

When done, remove cake (with its baking paper) from the tray immediately and transfer it onto a wire rack to cool. After 5-10 mins of cooling, flip the cake onto a clean baking paper and remove the used baking paper at its bottom. Allow the cake to cool completely.

To make the cereal floss filling:
Combine cereal, sugar, salt and chili powder (optional).

Add butter and oil in a small frying pan. Cook with low heat until butter is completely melted. Increase heat to medium low. Add curry leaves and cook until the leaves are dry and crispy. Add cereal mixture. Cook with frequent stirring for about 2-3 mins or until the cereal turns light golden brown and crispy.

Remove from heat and allow the crispy cereal to cool completely. Combine the cooled cereal with pork or chicken or fish floss.

To make the mayonnaise cream:
Whisk to combine mayonnaise, condensed milk, corn syrup and lemon juice in a bowl. Set aside.

To assemble:
Place cake with its top side (the side with spring onions and sesame seeds) facing on a clean baking paper.

Spread about 80% of mayonnaise cream evenly on the cake. Use a knife to trim off about 0.5 cm from both the shorter sides of the cake.

Sprinkle about 80% cereal floss filling over the mayonnaise and roll the cake from the shorter end along the longer side to form a Swiss roll. Wrap in cling wrap and allow the cake to firm up into its shape for at least 30 mins at room temperature.

When it is ready to be sliced and served, remove cling wrap. Spread the remaining mayonnaise cream on the top of the cake and sprinkle the remaining cereal floss filling on it. Trim off both sides of the cake. Slice and serve.

Best if you can consume all within the same day of bake. Store any uneaten cake in an airtight container and in the fridge (due to the mayonnaise filling) for NOT more than 2 days and please be aware that the cereal floss filling won't be so nice and crispy after storing in the fridge.

Happy Baking
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