
Spinach Pesto

I adore homemade pesto but rarely have basil in the quantity that you need to make a good batch. Last week I had a large bag of spinach in the fridge which was nearly past it's best and thought I would give spinach pesto a go. I have heard it made with Kale and wild garlic and I've made coriander pesto before so I thought it was worth a try. 

I used about 200g of spinach and blitzed it in my food processor with a handful of pine nuts. Once blitzed I added a good handful of Parmesan and the juice of a lemon. I then seasoned well, I didn't feel the need for garlic and then added a generous amount of olive oil. Stirred into some tagliatelle and sprinkled with Parmesan it was absolutely delicious and will become a regular meal on meat free Mondays. I'm sure I'll never waste spinach again. I may try it with alternative nuts, like walnuts, as pine nuts are quite a pricey ingredient.

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