
Essence of Orange-Chocolate Cake (THB)

Judging from everything of this cake, I wouldn't think this tastes and looks like a coffee cake. For mine, I would prefer to name it as an orange-chocolate yogurt slice instead.

This cake recipe is mostly adapted from the book, "Coffee Cakes" by Lou Seibert Pappas. It is chosen by Eileen from Hundred Eighty Degrees for our 17th The Home Bakers bake. THB is an baking event organised by my friend, Joyce from Kitchen Flavours. With a group of gorgeous ladies, we are baking all recipes from the book, "Coffee Cakes" by Lou Seibert Pappas until every recipe from this book has been baked.

For some reasons, I have made a few changes to obtain this final texture of my cake and wonder if the original recipe would yield a similar result. In the book, Lou classified this cake as a dessert coffee cake; a bittersweet cake with the combination of orange (including its peels) and dark chocolate. She uses raw orange including its peel and dark chocolate wafers to create a bittersweet taste and also processes the orange and raisins for a pudding-like texture. For me, I don't really like the addition of raisins into the always-classic bittersweet orange and dark chocolate combination and replaced the raisins with extra orange in this case. Furthermore, I don't really like the idea of eating raw orange peels in my bakes and prefer to cook my orange before baking in this case.

With the addition of yogurt, I reckon that my cake by definition should be more like a yogurt slice than a cake. It has a dense pudding-like texture with heaps of bittersweet taste. Overall, I'm feeling neutral with this bake. I like its orange and chocolate bittersweet taste but not a huge fan of its compact and dense yogurt-y texture.

Essence of orange-chocolate cake - very fanciful for a cake name!
This is what I did to my orange...
Making the "cake"
Baking the "cake"
The final touch... the bittersweet dark chocolate
Is this a cake? You be the judge.

Being the rule of this event, only the host of the chosen bake can post the recipe in her blog post. Please visit Eileen from Hundred Eighty Degrees for the detailed recipe of this bake.

And, here are the notes and modifications that I made for my bake.

My ingredients list (which is 1/2 amount of the original recipe)

1 large orange, scrubbed and cooked in boiling water for at least 1 1/2 hrs
60g unsalted butter at room temperature
70g sugar
1 large egg
165g all purpose flour
1 tsp baking powder
1/4 tsp salt
1/2 cup yogurt
40g dark chocolate chips
(I used Callebaut chocolate with 70% cocoa)
40g dark chocolate pieces
(with 85% cocoa)

Modifications that I have made from the original:
  • Instead of using raw orange, I have used boiled orange instead.
  • I have replaced 1/2 cup of raisins (for half amount of recipe) with extra half an orange.
  • I have reduced the sugar content of the cake from 100g to 70g for 1/2 amount of the recipe.
  • I have replaced baking soda with the same amount of baking powder.
  • I have replaced chocolate wafers with dark chocolate chips and dark eating chocolates.
  • For half amount of the recipe, I have baked my cake using 15 cm x 25 cm loaf pan at 160ºC fan forced for 30 mins and another extra 5 mins with dark chocolate topping.
    Happy Baking
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